East Africa (MNN) — It’s been a challenging four months for one US-based freedom ministry.
Set Free’s Dean Vander Mey says November 21, 2024, was an excellent day for the ministry’s former Global Director, Dave McIntyre. The two leaders held a Zoom call with Set Free’s program head in East Africa.

Mac’s impact on Set Free was immeasurable. He served with unwavering faith, boundless kindness, and deep devotion to God.
(Photo, caption courtesy of Set Free)
“At the end of the Zoom call, our director said, ‘Mac, you’ve had a huge impact upon these youth; 132 students want to be baptized because of your teachings and training. Would you please come and witness the baptisms?’” Vander Mey recalls.
“I looked at Dave and said, ‘Dave, you’re going to Africa!’ The next day, he died very unexpectedly from some complications with diabetes.”
Season two winner of the hit TV show Alone, Dave McIntyre, joined the Set Free team in 2021. Better known as “Mac,” he brought 15 years of missionary expertise and insight to Set Free’s international program.
Found unresponsive in his home on November 22, 2024, McIntyre is survived by his beloved daughters Erin (husband, John Hunley) and Karina, his son Daniel, and his precious grandchildren Zoe and Matthias.
A living legacy
Grief-stricken yet determined to carry on, the Set Free team decided to hold baptisms for the students as planned in March 2025. Earlier this month, McIntyre’s adult children traveled with the Set Free team to see their father’s work in East Africa.
“Dave’s middle daughter, Karina, sat next to me on the plane and said, ‘Dean, I wanted my dad to baptize me, and he’s gone. Will you baptize me?’” Vander Mey shares.
Karina led the way as dozens of East African youth – and some onlookers – took a public stand for Jesus. “One of the guards at the guard shack laid his weapon down, walked into the water with his full uniform on, and got baptized. It was amazing!” Vander Mey says.
“It was quite beautiful to see Dave’s legacy live on, not only through his daughter but also through 177 youth at Light Academy.”
Dave McIntyre dedicated his time, talent, and treasure to making disciples of Jesus in East Africa. You can honor his memory by supporting that mission here.
Header and story images courtesy of Set Free.