Pakistan (MNN) –FMI’s ministry is helping Pakistani believers boldly standing for their faith and spreading the hope of Jesus in the face of persecution.
Bruce Allen of FMI recently visited Pakistan to teach at two conferences—one for disciple-makers serving in Pakistan and one for believers from Muslim backgrounds who came to faith as a result of the disciple-making ministry.
Hope and Harvest
One young man made a particularly strong impression on Allen. Labib* came to faith several years ago and hungrily learned more about his faith at the conference.
“I am on fire inside and I want to share this light with other people,” Labib said.
He told Allen about his plans for Scripture distribution and the call he felt to share the Good News with his people.
“I asked him, ‘How many scriptures would you like to share according to this strategy you have?’” Allen says. “He said, ‘600.’ My jaw just dropped.

(Photo courtesy of FMI)
“What really struck me is here’s this young guy who is willing to put his life on the line hundreds of times every month for his faith,” Allen continues. “You could be executed simply for giving a Bible to someone, but [Labib is] willing to do that hundreds of times every month.”
FMI just completed their “Twice as Far” campaign, raising nearly $90,000 for Scripture distribution in both physical and audio formats. Through the success of this campaign, Allen says they will be able to equip Labib and other courageous believers like him to put Bibles in the hands of people hungry for the hope of Jesus.
Standing Strong
A young woman who attended the conference, Fatima*, also made a courageous decision for her faith.
After the first day, Fatima went home and shared the Gospel with her Muslim family. In response, she was severely beaten. When news reached the conference, Allen explains everyone was very worried, both for Fatima’s safety and the safety of those still at the conference.

Conference notes
(Photo courtesy of FMI)
Her family threatened to attack the conference if they found out where it was. However, Fatima bravely endured the beatings from her family to ensure that they wouldn’t be able to harm anyone.
“Fatima said she was not going to tell anyone in her family where the conference site was,” Allen explains. “They were going to release her, [but] she deliberately did not to come to the site so she would not be followed. She endured further beatings from her family in order to keep everybody else safe.”
FMI’s partners in Pakistan run the Kerith Brook safe house ministry to provide relief for people who, like Fatima, face intense persecution.
“We can keep [persecuted believers] safe [and] give them spiritual council and discipleship. The safe house also doubles as a discipleship center,” Allen says.
However, this essential ministry faces challenges as well.
“One of the hard things about a safe house ministry, especially in a society like Pakistan, [is the] gender taboos about men and women [living in the same place]. If we have male residents at the safe house, [we can’t] have a family or single women stay at the same time,” Allen explains. “We need a network of safe houses.”
Supporting the Faithful
Allen asks for you to keep both Labib and Fatima in your prayers, as well as the many Pakistani believes who are facing persecution.
You can also donate to FMI here to support their partners, like the Kerith Brook safe house ministry, provide Scripture resources and more.
“We’re looking for a rich spiritual harvest inside Pakistan in the months ahead.”
*Names changed for security purposes.
Header image courtesy of FMI.