Kenya (MNN/CAM) — As disasters
go, the deadly flooding in Kenya didn't make the international radar screen of
You may ask, "What deadly
flooding?" That's part of the
problem. At roughly the same time that
flash floods killed over 200 people in Nyanza, Rift Valley, Central and North
Eastern provinces, the world's attention was divided between Syria's ongoing
troubles and a massive EF5 tornado that shredded the little hamlet of Moore,
Kenya´s infamous rainy season,
striking annually between March and May, has been unusually severe this year, causing
floods, landslides, and destruction of rural access roads, disrupting commodity
supplies to the local markets leading to a general food price increases in some
parts of the country.
Damages are close to $10 million in terms of property and missed business
Kenya´s annual rainy season, which hits between March and
May, has been especially devastating this year. Brittany Tedesco is the Africa
Director for Christian Aid Mission, your link to indigenous
missions. Aside from the
deaths, she says, "Close
to 150,000 people have lost their homes; they're displaced, and almost 14,000
acres of farmland have been destroyed,
crops ruined, animals drowned."
The Christian Aid-assisted Kenya Evangelism Team was hit hard, too. "Several
of the missionaries working with this organization lost their homes–about
a dozen or so people that he is directly working with. So [they're] just a little
bit overwhelmed. And like I said, a lot of people are looking to organizations
like this to help them out and not rely so much on the government."
Although the government sent some help, it was clear they
couldn't handle the disaster alone. Tedesco notes, "The government actually issued a statement I guess, a few weeks ago,
asking churches and Christian ministries to respond to the disaster. So, they're
really not offering whole lot of relief, a whole lot of aid for these displaced
Ministry leader Sylvester Okang´o
writes, "Pray for those affected who are
struggling to find shelter, and are in great need of food, medicine, clothing,
and bedding."
Destruction of infrastructure, including latrines, has
resulted in contamination of water sources and the spread of water-borne
illnesses. Okang'o is already stretched
pretty thin, Tedesko observes. "Whenever
there's a natural disaster that strikes, this ministry is always there, trying
to help. But now, there is just additional pressure that's been put up on them because of this
statement by the government."
He's praying for funds to rebuild missionary homes ($2,000
each), and provide food ($50 for a sack of beans or maize), mattresses ($20
each), and blankets ($10 each) to those affected, while sharing the message of
Christ. "The difference between giving to
a larger humanitarian organization and to an organization supported by Christian
Aid is that the native ministry will not only share food and supplies with the hurting
people, but also share the hope that they can have in Christ."
Despite the difficulties created
by the flooding, KET missionaries have continued to persevere, taking
every opportunity to share the Gospel with the hurting and destitute. "We
have been traveling in difficulty because of heavy rains that have made our
roads impassable, but we have managed to reach where the Lord enables us to
go," Okang´o reports. "Missionaries are busy going out without fear to spread
the good news of the kingdom of heaven, and many souls have been won to
Recently the ministry held a five-day youth seminar at their headquarters in Kitale. According to Okang´o, "We saw God´s power working out miracles of salvation, healing, and deliverance. Out of the 250 youth that came, 28 received Christ as their Lord and Savior."
Tedesco says while the immediate crisis is on the wane, it's important
to think "long view." With the
destruction that resulted from the floods, the impact will be felt well into
next year. "Please pray for this. It
hasn't gotten a whole lot of coverage in the news just because of these other
disasters. I feel like a lot of people just aren't aware. Pray that the Lord would provide the resources
they need to help people, and that through this terrible thing that's happened,
many would hear about the real hope that they can have in Christ."