Africa (MNN)–Association of Baptists for World Evangelism’s Ron Washer says the Community Health Evangelism programs are just now starting for their team in West Africa.
The CHE projects involve teaching hygiene, nutrition and health education, agriculture and proper sanitation. It also helps ABWE reach into areas where they’ve not been able to go traditionally with the Gospel in Africa.
Though they aren’t in high-profile areas right now, Washer says, “We anticipate there being resistance there in some form, however right now, we are in the southern part, which is more in the animistic, spirit worship realm, somewhat Christian, or less Muslim than the north.”
They urgently need teachers to train CHE teams. The possibilities, he believes, are exciting. “It’s happening, but we could do so much more if we just had personnel that were freed up to do it.” …and the people? “Very responsive–we’re trusting God to use this to mightily reach into these smaller communities where again, it’s more difficult to establish churches.”
One missionary just completed the training of 22 Togolese for the community health program. The next step is to choose 10 to 15 who will make up the initial training teams.
The choice will not be easy — God’s wisdom and direction are needed. Also, please pray about the specific villages in which God wants these community health outreaches to begin.
ABWE is using hospitals, fixed and itinerant clinics, community health evangelism, and a ministry to the disabled as tools for evangelism, discipleship, church planting, and fostering missions’ movements.
If you would like to read more about ABWE healthcare ministries, go to www.abwe.org/serve/ministry_focus/healthcare.asp.