International (MNN) — Awkward situations call for creative solutions.
Global Aid Network (GAiN) reports that many girls in third world countries have to drop out of school when they hit puberty because of inadequate water, sanitation, hygiene, and harsh taboos.
These young girls are discriminated against and are losing dignity.
In response, GAiN volunteers are creating feminine product patterns out of flannel, declaring this month as “Flannel February.”
Dana C., one of the pattern creators, told GAiN, “When you meet a young girl or woman at such a basic point of need, doors open and relationships are formed that allow us to minister to them in a way that is simply amazing. From women here to women there, we can relate to their dilemma. We are simply drawn to reach out to them because of this need.”
This outreach is opening doors to share the Gospel as the love of Christ is demonstrated in a very practical way. GAiN is in need of more flannel bed sheets so they can continue this ministry. Though February is almost over, you can still make a difference. Click here to help.