India (MNN) — Two families who faced tragedy at Christmastime are rejoicing today because of God’s provision. We recently shared that these families in India lost their homes to fires. In this particularly impoverished area, it was absolutely devastating. Today, we’ve got an update for you.

Rejoicing in the Lord. (Photo courtesy of India Partners)
Donna Glass of India Partners says the families lost everything — their houses, their beds, even their cooking supplies and what food they had.
“When you’re day laborers and you’re just struggling to meet your daily needs, you don’t have the funds to rebuild your house and resupply it. But by God’s grace working through compassionate Christians, these families now have homes again.”
With the new homes, the families also received new supplies. India Partners is continuing to monitor the situation to be sure they have what they need to get back on their feet.
Generosity and thanksgiving
The families are praising God for providing for their needs through people like you. Glass says this type of situation can strengthen a believer’s faith and is an opportunity for the Church to witness to the community.

(Photo courtesy of India Partners)
And while the funds given mostly came from the United States, these communities have seen generosity before, right at home.
Glass explains, “I have seen some of the greatest generosity among some of the poorest people in India. They really make an effort, even though you can tell from their living conditions when you visit them that they really don’t have much. But they give of what they have. And I think it’s because they know they have eternal life. They know God gave everything in His Son Jesus Christ, for them.”
It’s incredible for their faith and prayers to be answered so quickly with God’s provision.
Proactive relief for fire, weather, and other disasters
India Partners, like other mission groups, have an ongoing relief fund. This is because nobody can predict the tragedies and disasters that will arise among the people they work with.

(Photo courtesy of India Partners)
A house fire isn’t as common as the extreme weather that can destroy entire villages. Glass says things like cyclones and heavy wind and rain can cause people to lose their homes, and farmers their crops.
While it was over a decade ago, a deadly Tsunami in 2004 remains a stark reminder why relief funds are so important. Glass says India Partners helped families on the coast regain their livelihood with fishing supplies. But not long after, a cyclone came through and destroyed everything all over again. It’s a reminder there’s no telling when disaster will strike. But when it does, time is short to get life-saving supplies out.
“By having a relief fund built up, we can respond much quicker. We don’t have to wait to get the story out to let people know there is this great need. We can respond much quicker to provide immediate basic needs such as food and clothes.”

(Photo courtesy of India Partners)
If you’d like to hear more of these stories, consider being a part of them. You can find India Partners relief fund here.
Glass says thank you to all the prayers and gifts you’ve given to India Partners. Please continue to pray for the families and their church to be encouraged by God’s grace. Ask God to use this event to reach more hearts for the Gospel.