India (MNN) — Have you ever been asked to find a woman? We’re not talking about dating or hide-and-go-seek. imbStudents, the student and young adult mobilization ministry of the International Mission Board, is asking college students to help missionaries find the hidden women of India.
If female college students should accept this call to adventure, they will spend six months helping Southern Baptist missionaries connect with the “hidden women” of India.
This nation’s women don’t become “hidden” by choice. Regarded as “less than human,” hidden women are tucked away in alleys and slums, isolated in small apartments, or kept locked in a brothel, waiting for the next paying customer.
This adventure isn’t for the faint-hearted. Students will likely be trekking through dirty alleyways and slums to find India’s hidden women, or to distant villages that are only accessible by foot.
What’s the goal of this search for India’s hidden women? It’s the same as that of Jesus Christ: to find the lost, the hurt, the outcast. Christ came to bring redemption and new life to the hidden women and hidden sinners of this world.
On this IMB adventure, female college students will become the feet of Christ, carrying hope and Good News to the outskirts of society.
Please pray for the young women God is calling to embark on this journey. Pray for the hidden women of India, that they will find hope and eternal salvation through Christ. Pray that IMB missionaries will be encouraged and helped greatly by the students.