International (MNN) — A film recently released in the U.S. focuses on reaching women with the story of Jesus' life. It is called "Magdalena: Released from Shame."
"The film is the life of Christ told from the perspective of a woman. Mary Magdalene narrates the film and shares Jesus' interactions with women and shares with women how they
can know him," said JESUS Film Project's Jenny Steinbach.
Steinbach said that many of the illiterate people of the world are women, which created a need for the film that is specifically for women. "We are hoping that women will come away with a visual picture of God's great love and forgiveness for them, that they will know how to begin a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, and that they will have a vision to share this film with their friends and family," she said.
The film has already been shown in 30 countries around the world. It was released last year internationally, in conjunction with the International Day of the Woman. It has already been translated into 15 languages, and work on more translations continues.
As it spreads through the United States, it is being well-received. One woman used the film as she made a transition in her life. "She was new in town and wanted to meet some of her neighbors. So she had a couple of home showings one weekend Nine of her neighbors came, and four of the women prayed to receive Christ as a result of the film. One man prayed to
receive Christ as well," said Steinbach.
What is it about the film that creates such a response? "It seems to reach very deeply within people, I think, because women struggle more on an emotional level many times. Men do too, but they don't show it as much, so the film really gets below the surface with people," Steinbach explained.
For anyone who chooses to accept Christ after seeing the film, there is a great resource for
them online. "On that web site you can hear stories of people who have come to Christ. You can hear how to grow in your faith, and there's also a Bible study
based on the needs of the women in the film. People could download it for free and either do it on their own, or through their church, or with a friend."
Pray about how you might be able to use the film in your own sphere of influence. The
U.S. version is available in eight languages. Go to the website to find out more.