Fighting escalates in Lebanon amid Gaza peace talks

By August 20, 2024

Lebanon (MNN) — Fear and fighting escalate in Lebanon as the U.S. pushes for peace between Israel and Hamas.

Secretary of State Anthony Blinken warned Israeli leaders that this week’s talks could be the last chance for a Gaza ceasefire. Diplomats hope a peace agreement will halt movement toward a regional war.

Meanwhile, Hezbollah and Israel trade attacks in southern Lebanon, killing ten.

“Every little crack, every little sound is watched very carefully and brings up the worst [fear in] us because, again, we’re human beings, and we do fear for our lives,” Heart for Lebanon’s Camille Melki says.

Gospel workers serve diligently near conflict zones in southern Lebanon, offering the hope of Christ to those who flee Hezbollah hot spots.

“It starts with a food package, but that’s not our end goal. That’s just the beginning of a journey from despair to hope.”
(Photo courtesy of Heart for Lebanon)

“Since [the] conflict started in October, we added 500 new families that are receiving monthly food packages. In June, we had another 500, so we are now tending to an additional 1,000 families in great need,” Melki says.

“We want to give this message of hope. At the same time, we want to tend to those who are suffering the most.”

The ministry is also helping local partners extend relief to needy families. “I got a call from a local ministry [partner who] said, ‘We’re running short on resources. We have 50 families that we cannot feed this month,’” Melki says.

“We have to scrap whatever resources Heart for Lebanon has to make sure that this ministry can meet its obligation to the families they’re serving.”

Pray that widespread tension in the Middle East will de-escalate.

“A lot of people are paying a huge price, a price that right now we’re not seeing, but this emotional, psychological fear is going to last for a long time,” Melki says.
Ten months of war continues to displace families throughout Lebanon. Help those most in need through Heart for Lebanon here.



Header image depicts a woman receiving food aid from Heart for Lebanon. (Photo courtesy of Heart for Lebanon)

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