FCRA extension provides relief and concern

By October 12, 2022

India (MNN) — Caution follows closely on the heels of encouraging news from India.

The Foreign Contribution Regulation Act, or FCRA, allows Gospel workers in India to receive donations from other countries. Government officials recently extended the FCRA application deadline, providing nongovernment organizations – including Christian ministries – with a little room to breathe.

“This gives organizations another six months, those who are already registered, to continue receiving funds. This is a very welcome relief,” John Pudaite of Bibles For The World says.

However, “the question now is what will happen after March 31?” he continues.

“[It is possible] that everybody who has not been renewed will just be canceled in one fell swoop.”

What’s the big deal?

In theory, FCRA changes prevent fraud and abuse. In reality, recent changes put a chokehold on Gospel work. See our full FCRA coverage here.

A 2020 medical camp in rural India.
(Photo courtesy of Bibles For The World)

“One of the things this government [is] continually [saying] is that Western funds are being used to convert Indians. In the process, a lot of good work done in the name of Christ has been curtailed,” Pudaite explains.

“This is a big concern for Bibles For The World.”

As a member of the Alliance for the Unreached, Bibles For The World brings Christ to those who have never heard His name. Pray they can continue this vital mission. Pray India’s unreached people groups will have a chance to know the Lord.

Pray also that every Bibles For The World partner in India will get the permission they need to keep working. “Our primary partner has received its renewal, but one of the churches that we support in India, their application is still pending,” Pudaite says.

“It is difficult, under the current government’s reading of the law, for churches to present their case as being broadly charitable.”

Ask the Lord to move favorably on behalf of all Gospel workers facing FCRA challenges in India. “[Some] churches and organizations depend on foreign contributions to sustain their activities,” Pudaite says.

“This is a real concern for the entire Body of Christ in India.”



Header and story images courtesy of Bibles For The World.

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