FARMS International helps Cambodian believers plan for future growth

By June 26, 2024

Cambodia (MNN) — According to the Bible, “Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.” The past few years have taught believers in Cambodia how to trust God for better days, even when their circumstances say otherwise.

Churches began working with FARMS International on a microloan program shortly before the pandemic. A believer we’ll call Caleb* says trouble came on the heels of COVID-19.

“Some participants raised chickens, and they had a disease come through and wipe out most of their chickens,” Caleb says.

“Other participants had issues in farming; they had good crops and produced good products but didn’t have a market to sell [them] at [because] COVID happened and everything shut down.”

(Photo courtesy of FARMS International)

These trials were difficult to endure, but the Lord was faithful and protected His followers from destruction. “The struggles they went through really wiped them out; they were quite discouraged,” Caleb says.

“They had to walk in faith, and God [has] continued to provide for them.”

Today, believers are working on a repayment program with FARMS and setting goals for the future. “They were able to brainstorm and plan how to repay their loans a little bit back at a time, so they can continue to help others in need in their areas,” Caleb says.

“They plan on extending the program, even making programs of their own to help those around them.”

Pray for small businesses to flourish so believers have more to tithe and churches can grow. Contact FARMS International here to learn more.

“If you are good at animal husbandry, farming, or gardening, we could talk something out and maybe do a training because they’re hungry [for knowledge,]” Caleb says.

“They want to learn, they want to grow, they want to do better.”





Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of allPhoto Bangkok/Unsplash.

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