Malawi (MNN)–The famine rages on in Malawi. According to the World Food Program, starvation is threatening five million people within the next six months.
Aid groups are trying to raise $76 million in order to feed around three million Malawians. The spring harvest numbers aren’t known yet, so that figure may rise again.
Maize prices in southern Malawi have risen nearly 70-percent, well beyond the means of the poorest people. Coupled with a severe AIDS problem, time is running out for thousands.
Teen Missions International reports several ministry friends who have already succumbed to the ravages of hunger. People have also been spotted coming onto the TMI compound foraging for grass to eat. Others have taken to eating poisonous roots for something in their stomachs.
It is a heart-wrenching problem and frustrating too. There are not nearly enough resources to go around to meet everyone’s needs.
However, TMI’s House of Joel and Big Bob Hadlock Orphan Rescue Units have stored up food. During this crisis, they are managing carefully, but they have enough for their children.
However, because they are new, two of the new Units (Melissa Foster and the Wellman Family) don’t have enough to feed the children they’re reaching. All told, there are roughly 150 children in TMI’s care.
Please pray that the team will be able to address not only physical needs, but also the spiritual needs of the communities during this time.