Brazil (MNN) — Christian families around the world are
facing incredible changes. That's why Sammy Tippit Ministries has produced
"Praying for your Family" to address those problems.
The campaign was launched in the United States last month,
and was launched last week in Brazil in Portuguese. Tippit says it was
well received. "The Brazilian Baptist Convention, they adopted Praying for
your Family. They have 8,500 churches. They're hoping to get our materials that
have been translated and published in Brazil. They're hoping to get all 8,500
churches involved in this study."
Tippit believes thousands of people will come to Christ as a
result of this study. "As people begin to pray for their family in a very
concentrated and very Biblical manner, we believe there will be many who will
come to Christ. They'll be children, family members, parents who have been away
from the Lord will come back to the Lord. We just released this stuff and
already we're seeing this happen."
While evangelism is important, Tippit hopes this material
will help bond families together. "There's been a tremendous spiritual attack,
not only in this country (USA), but around the world. We're hoping this will be
a source of revival for families."
Tippit says it will soon be available in Persian, Armenia, Chinese, Afrikaans
in South Africa, and Russian by the end of the year.
Tippit says this could be what changes entire communities.
"One of the great moves of God's spirit is among families. And, in our
last conference that we did with Iranians, one of the things we discovered is
that entire family units are coming to Christ as the same time. And so, I think
it's something that we really need to focus on."
If you'd like to get a copy of the material for your church,
go to http://www.PrayingForYourFamily.com .