USA (MNN) — Whether you’re a parent reading this or a grandparent, your job is to protect the kids in your life – but you can’t protect them from everything.
Sometimes, kids will face challenging views or ideas and only have what you taught them to guide their response.
“My question is, moms and dads, grandmas, and grandpas, ‘What are you doing to teach your kids the truth of God’s Word?’” Greg Yoder with Keys for Kids says.
“‘Why are we spending more time at soccer, basketball, or baseball [and] getting our kids involved in those activities, rather than doing what’s most important?’ – sharing the good news of Jesus Christ, that life-changing message of the Gospel.”
Teaching your kids how to study Scripture is a great way to equip them for life’s difficult moments.
“Encourage the kids in your life to be in the Word. Keys for Kids and Unlocked can help you do that,” Yoder says.
Maybe family Bible study is a daily practice in your home – or maybe not. Regardless, kid-friendly devotionals from Keys for Kids can help your family turn “God time” into a regular practice.
“Set a goal [of] maybe doing it once a week at first, and then maybe two or three times a week, and then every night,” Yoder says.
Download the free Keys for Kids app or request a free print edition of the devotional so “you can read it, or you can listen to it,” Yoder suggests.
“You don’t have to plan other than just read the questions, and you might not have all the answers. That’s okay! It’s great finding out those answers together as a family.”
Header image is a representative stock photo courtesy of Priscilla Du Preez/Unsplash.