Haiti (MNN) — It all depends on who you know–or in this case, who knows you.
Recently, a contributor to For Haiti With Love heard about the Faith Comes By Hearing project known as "Every Church, Every Village." This project provides audio Bible Proclaimers for churches to take on missions trips.
“Churches who do this project can contact us and get free Proclaimers; these are solar-powered, hand-crank audio Bibles that have the whole New Testament on them,” says Jon Wilke of Faith Comes By Hearing. “They can get these Proclaimers and take them on their short-term missions trips.”
With this in mind, the For Haiti With Love contributor connected the two groups, providing For Haiti with Proclaimers to share the Gospel.
The Proclaimers can be plugged in, battery operated, solar powered or hand cranked, so they are fairly easy to maintain. For Haiti's Eva DeHart says they’ve been running on solar power in Haiti, and they’ve been working beautifully.
“Our security guys at the front gate absolutely love them, so it plays all of the time,” says DeHart, “which means that everyone coming for the food program is listening to Scripture, everyone who’s coming in waiting for the clinic is listening to Scripture, and I think the security guys are memorizing Scripture by now.” The Proclaimers are also being used in an orphanage Bible study on a regular basis.
The audio Bibles have been particularly helpful in Haiti because many of the people For Haiti With Love serves struggle with illiteracy.
"A lot of the people that are coming to the clinic particularly do not know how to read," says DeHart. "So even if they had a Bible, they couldn’t read the Scriptures themselves. So this is a special gift to them."
The success of the "Every Church, Every Village" program is obvious in Haiti and will surely continue across the globe. Wilke says that American churches can receive up to six Proclaimers to deliver while on missions trips. The one stipulation is that the church must have already participated in the FCBH audio Bible challenge known as "You’ve Got the Time."
For information on either of the two FCBH programs, click here. To learn more about the work of For Haiti With Love, click here. In the meantime, pray that the Lord would continue to use these ministries to reach the multitudes with His Gospel.