Ghana (MNN)–Eye doctors in Ghana are rare and few can afford the care, anyway.
The Ghana Eye Foundation has quoted statistics indicating one ophthalmologist to to every 460,000 patients. Without regular and proper care, thousands are losing their eyesight.
That leads to numbers like 200,000 Ghanaians are completely blind while 600,000 others are visually impaired from causes, 75-percent of which were avoidable.
It’s why eye clinics are becoming a popular means of ministry. International Aid’s Myles Fish. “We provide cataract surgeries to people who can’t afford it, for free. That’s a pretty dramatic service, because it’s the kind of operation where someone can come in, and they’re totally blind, and 24-hours later, they have their eyesight back.”
The doors are wide open–Fish says all they have to do is get organized. “We’re really excited about some new opportunities that are coming. For quite some time now, we’ve held a number of eye clinics; we’ve done over 20-thousand cataract surgeries.”
Their past history in the region means their reputation has strength, which equals growth. “We also have a number of trainings in the healthcare arena, and we’re in the process of beginning some community based healthcare programs.”
Fish explains the rationale for expansion. “Bottom line is: to reach more people for Christ.” He goes on to say, “We do that through healthcare programs–and we’d like to expand those programs so that we can minister to the physical needs and build the kinds of relationships that are necessary in order for us to share the love of Christ with them.”