Morocco (MNN) — Officials of the North African kingdom of Morocco say at least 100 Christians have been deported since March 2010. "Morocco wants to prevent a clash or conflict between religions," Islamic Affairs Minister Ahmed Toufiq said. "It is not necessary that one religion converts believers of another religion."
According to reports, many of the expelled Christians had arrived in Morocco as employees of non-governmental organizations. Government leaders say Christians were actually proselytizing Muslims under the guise of humanitarian aid work.
President of SAT-7 USA Rex Rogers says God isn't surprised by this recent turn of events. "As people hear that traditional Christian witness, i.e. missionaries, or other foreign Christians are being asked to leave or be deported, they think, 'Oh no, there's no Christian witness left.' Or worse, 'There's no hope.'"
Rogers says that's a very western way of thinking because there is great work going on in Morocco. "SAT-7 Christian satellite television is still there. It's still beaming from the sky. It's still going out 24/7. And even more important than that: the Christian church, on the ground, is still there."
The European Union has questioned the expulsions. Roger says while he's concerned about the expulsions, he's not worried. "The Lord isn't finished in the Middle East or in North Africa when you hear about foreign Christians being deported." That's why SAT-7 is reaching out to Christians.
SAT-7's purpose is to reach out to the local church, says Rogers. "That's biblical. You encourage the saints. The saints in turn go out and witness to our friends and neighbors and compel them. Is evangelization also taking place? Well, of course it is. Any time the Word of God goes out in any form, it doesn't return void."
Rogers says they're getting regular comments from viewers whose lives have been changed because of watching SAT-7.
The area of the world SAT-7 is touching is very challenging. "We're talking about a region of the world with more closed countries than any other region of the world," says Rogers. He continues, "When people hit the wall, that's when they turn to the Lord and look for answers. The same thing's happening in the Middle East. The opportunities are enormous."
Because the region is so closed, your prayers and financial support are needed now. And it's easier than ever to give. Just text the words "SAT 7" to 20222 to give $10.