Iran (VOM) — A judge has rescheduled the August 12 sentencing date for an Iranian Christian imprisoned outside Tehran, Iran. “Amir” was set to be executed after being imprisoned two years ago after being caught transporting a truckload of Bibles. Publishing, importing, or reprinting Bibles or Christian literature is illegal in Iran. Though the sentencing trial has been delayed, his family remains very concerned for him.
Posted on www.icommittopray.com on August 8, more than 250 people from 18 nations have committed to pray for Amir.These are just a few of the prayers that have been offered on behalf of Amir and his family:
“Lord Jesus, my heart breaks for Amir and his family. Please move the judicial system in Iran to free him. I pray for a great awakening in Iran.”
— Debbie S. (USA)
“Dear Father in heaven, I sincerely thank You for the life of Amir. Gracious Father, I pray that his faith will not fail in these trying times of his life. The Scriptures say, “Indeed, all who desire to live a holy life in Christ will be persecuted.” I pray that You reverse the execution, and through that,even the executioners will come to the knowledge of Chris.”
— Christina Afua N. (Ghana)
“Thank You, Lord, for this young man. Oh Lord, Your works and Your people are powerful. Oh God, let Your will be done. But we ask that if Your will be to release this man … that many more may come to Christ through him. Release him like You did Peter. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”
— Charles A. (India)
Like Charles, many others prayed in the spirit of Acts 12, in which “constant prayer was offered to God for [Peter] by the church,” and Peter escaped from prison. We praise God that Amir’s execution date was postponed, and we pray that God’s perfect will would be done. Continue to offer constant prayers for Amir and his family. Join others in prayer at www.icommittopray.com.
Colossians 2: 14-15
Having wiped out the handwriting of requirements that was against us, which was contrary to us, He has taken it out of the way, having nailed it to the cross, having disarmed principalities and powers He made a public sepctacle of them, triumphing over them in it…..In Jesus name we pray and claim this promise on the life of our brother Amir….Amen
Father I thank u because u always hear us, like prophet Daniel ur son Amir is facing persecution deliver him as u delivered Daniel from lion den in Jesus name I pray. Amen.
Lord Jesus thank you for all you blessings and mercurys, they are new every day. Thank you for delivering are brother Amir and we ask that you give him strength and pawer from the Holy Spirit to share your love and grace to those around him.
Lord use this situation for your gory. Bring people to you. Strengthen Amir be with his family. Use him and let your will be done in Jesus name spare his life.Let your gospel spread.
Dear Father God, Thank you for making it possible or us to come before your throne of grace to ask for help and mercy in time of need.
We lift up Amir to you and ask you to make your presence known to him. Surround him with your angels of light to defend him and keep his mind and heart stayed on You. Help him to recall Scripture to strengthen him, to remember that You will never leave him or forsake him. And, we ask that his brothers and sisters in Christ will not grow weary as the world implodes around us but to persevere in prayer for all the saints who are in the fiery furnace of affliction. Father God, bless Amir as you blessed our Lord Jesus, Daniel, Joseph, David,
Moses and the many others who have stood for the Gospel of Jesus Christ. They saw your face and realized your deliverance in ways they will reveal to us when we see them in the Kingdom. In Jesus Name, Amen
I pray God will set the camp of Amir’s enemy into delusion that will cause Amir’s freedom and Lord please send Your emisery to deliver Amir from the prison of the enemy like you did for Peter in Jesus name!Daddy please remember the blood of like ones whose blood as been shed in the Land of Iran and intervene speedily according to your will.Lord please supernaturally strenghten Amir now and give him indepth understanding of You in Jesus name,Amen!