Volunteers of OM Guatemala visit a poor family to see the situation the’yre living in. OM Guatemala will select the most urgent cases and take them into their long-term programme The Rescue with the hope to help them out of poverty. (Photo courtesy of Operation Mobilization)
Guatemala (MNN) – Are you fluent in English? Do you enjoy teaching? Are you concerned about doing God’s work?
A job opportunity from Operation Mobilization may be the fit for you. How would you like to visit the beautiful country of Guatemala?
OM has been working in Guatemala since 1990. They help social ministries within Guatemala and train for evangelism and missions for the national Evangelical church. The ministries that they help with cover a variety of aid. They emphasize discipleship training, evangelistic outreach and social help for needy people, and special training with students in schools.
National team members of OM Guatemala, and members from other mission groups as well, could use your help learning English. OM would like the English Teacher to start as soon as they can. The job commitment length is one to two years.
It is important for these missionaries to learn English because it will help them expand their ministry and allow them to participate more fully in the international work of OM.
The job will leave time to work in other areas of OM Guatemala. The requirements for the position are as follows:
- A strong personal relationship with Jesus
- Self-motivated and willing to serve others
- Fluent in English
- Good teaching skills
- Willingness to cooperate in the ministries of OM Guatemala
- Preferably able to speak Spanish, or willing to learn
Please note: Like all other jobs in OM, the work of the English Teacher is unpaid: finances for livelihood are to be provided through a personal network of supporters.
Not only could you be helping other Christians make a greater impact for Christ in Guatemala, but you will have the opportunity to assist in ministries that spread the Gospel. To apply, click here.
If teaching in a foreign country is not for you, you can still help. Pray that this English teacher would be found, that they would have a heart for God, and desire to make an impact in the world in Jesus’ name. Pray for God’s continual guidance for OM. If you wish to give to the ministry, click here.