USA (MNN) — It’s a new method of evangelism and church planting. Well, it sounds new, but it’s been around since the beginning of time. It’s an evangelism technique used successfully by the best evangelist who ever lived: Jesus Christ. It’s called, storytelling.
Scriptures In Use has just launched a new Web site to help us understand the technique a little better. At Tell-The-Story.org you can discover how this ministry is using storytelling to share the Gospel with those who won’t and don’t read and write.
A Scriptures In Use worker tells MNN, “Through storytelling, just telling the stories of the Bible, people come to a process of discovery learning. People hear the stories of the Bible, and it affects them deeply.”
God is using storytelling to lead Muslims to Christ in great number. This is a huge priority for SIU. “They seem to be the elephant in the room that nobody wants to deal with, but the need is overwhelming within Islam. What’s amazing to me, though, is how many Muslim people are very open to the Gospel when we move outside those traditional western models.”
This worker explains why Muslim are turning to Christ in large numbers. “I think may Muslims are disgusted with the violence. Not all of them agree with the violence by Muslims. Certainly not all of them agree with what’s going on worldwide.”
SIU has produced a film to help you understand how storytelling lays the groundwork for evangelism. It’s called Ibrahim and the Dreamer. “It kind of models what we would do in the field as an organization. We want to teach and spread storytelling…. That’s what we’re trying to do. So, we wanted to make a movie that was demonstrating that.”
You can get a free copy of the DVD by clicking on the link on this page. This SIU worker is asking you “to really make an effort to understand we’re talking about something different from most western church models. If they can overcome that barrier, then they’re in a much better place to say, ‘Hey, how can I really help SIU?'”
That could mean going on a trip with them, sending a check, or praying.
To get your copy of Ibrahim and the Dreamer, click here.
I want to learn to be a story teller!
A Message for Greg Yoder:
I loved reading your article here on “Every Christian should be a Storyteller”
The next edition of story4all Magazine is about to be released exclusively on the iTunes Newsstand and I believe that our readership would be delighted to read your article too.
I was wondering if we might be able to about reprint the article in our magazine? If you would like me to promote something for you, i.e. maybe a book or other resource or a link people could follow, I would be delighted to include this in the magazine for you. As this is an interactive magazine, once people have read the article they can be directed to a web page or resource of your choosing.
I hope to hear back from you soon. The magazine is to be released in the next couple of days.
God bless.
Bryan Thompson