Sudan (MNN)–Every Child Ministries is committed to work in New Sudan. Relative peace makes it possible for mission groups to get established in the region and helps the war’s youngest survivors to realize they are not forgotten.
The project idea was born out of a trip John and Lorella Rouster took to Sudan in November 2006. While there, they delivered some relief supplies to a church and orphanage. The Rousters gave out Bibles, Gospel booklets from World Missionary Press, clothing, shoes, soccer balls, inflating needles and other items.
The children’s joy brought home the realization that these orphanages and churches needed someone to come alongside them to support their reconstructive work. In doing that, these organizations would also be able to establish evangelistic work in the region to bring more than a phsyical hope, but also a spiritual one.
That said, ECM’s International Board gave the green light December 1. ECM’s first initiative will be a series of training seminars for children’s ministry throughout this year. They are looking for evangelical Christians with wide experience in children’s ministries who are not afraid to ‘rough it’.
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