Philippines (MNN) — Still recovering from the devastation
that a 7.2 earthquake brought mid-October, the people of the Philippines reel
back once more.
Typhoon Haiyan hit late last week and is estimated to be
the largest storm ever to hit land. This typhoon of record strength hit a
region containing 18 million people. The local government ordered an evacuation
of 125,000 in anticipation of the storm.
Many aid organizations were also preparing for the typhoon.
Food for the Hungry is one organization that by Friday had already distributed
food to those displaced by the storm.
Peter Howard of FH explains, "The key needs in a situation
like this typically come down to food and shelter, and then health often
follows. Right now we're prioritizing food just because that's an
immediate, necessary need every day, as well as shelter."
FH is working to distribute supplies to provide the evacuees
with a short-term place to live.
"The difficult part
is [that] this storm is hitting a region that just less than a month ago was
hit by a devastating earthquake. So there's still several 100,000
people living in temporary shelters and tents after the earthquake destroyed
their homes." Howard says that these families, in particular, are a major
concern and therefore an area of focus for FH.
This organization is blessed to have the means to reach
needy people on several levels. "Food for the Hungry [works] through the local
church, so there's always the relational/spiritual component that comes in. How
do you care for people who are traumatized by this kind of emergency? How do
you support them, encourage them, and pray for them during these times?"
Howard continues, "Working through the local church is a
great way to both meet their physical needs and also their emotional and
spiritual needs in a critical time like this."
As the measure of destruction is assessed in the following
days, the people of the Philippines could use your help.
"I would ask that we're generous to the church in the
Philippines and to those suffering in the storm, and also that we're generous
with our prayers, that we would ask God's mercy and favor for those who are
For information on where to give, click here.