Brazil (MNN)–Evangelist Sammy Tippit just wrapped up a four-day series of meetings (August 12-14) in Pavuna, a region in Rio De Janeiro, Brazil.
The weekend began with Sammy Tippit speaking to pastors and leaders. The Texas-based evangelist spoke on the subject of “Praying for Your Family” to an audience that responded enthusiastically.
Tippit then preached at one evangelistic service at the Pavuna First Baptist Church, which has more than 5,000 members.
God moved during the service and scores responded to the message. Many gave their hearts and lives to Christ. Two of his books, Fire In Your Heart and The Prayer Factor will be released while the Tippits are in the country.
Sammy and Tex Tippit are now preaching in South Africa. He’ll be speaking at several churches as preparation for a 2007 South African Heart Cry for Revival Conference.
The host group, “Revival South Africa” is led by Francois Carr who met Tippit while co-sponsoring a Heart Cry Conference at the Cove, the Billy Graham training Center in Asheville, North Carolina.
From Johannesburg, South Africa, the Tippit’s will then travel on the 21st to Kampala, Uganda, where Tippit will speak with an estimated 1000 pastors from all over Eastern Africa.
From there, they travel back home only to head to a national revival conference in Colorado. Please continue to lift them up to the Lord for the next couple of weeks.