Nicaragua (MNN) — With the victory of Sandinista candidate Daniel Ortega in recent elections, South American nation has swung to a clearly Marxist bent, joining Cuba, Colombia and Venezuela.
Despite that, Christians are rejoicing as the Gospel continues moving forward. This week, ten thousand young people are converging in Carazo, Nicaragua, for an evangelistic crusade that began yesterday and continues through tomorrow.
Bible Pathway Ministries shipped several hundred Spanish Bibles to be presented to each young person who makes a decision during the crusade.
The Spanish Bible Pathway, El Camino Biblico, has been a valuable resource for the Nicaraguan Los Sembradores (Seed Planters) Ministry, the sponsors of the evangelistic crusade. They also teach the Bible throughout the Nicaraguan public school system, and praise God for the opportunities to share Christ with so many young people.
Pray that many youth will hear and respond to the Gospel.