Africa (MNN)– An evangelistic campaign occurring in
French-speaking Africa launches this
JESUS Film workers developed a strategy called
"Operation Jericho." It's a
combination of evangelism, discipleship and training aimed at West
Africa's Gospel saturation. It's a project designed to do this
through church partnerships.
Pray for the ministry plans underway in the capital cities
of 17 countries in Francophone Africa. The potential for outreach is huge. Last year's effort saw 35 new equipment sets
and approximately 30 "JESUS" film showings. At one of these evening showings last year in Benin, 600 of the 1,000 viewers
responded to the invitation to trust Christ. Overall last year, within six days, more than 80,000 people heard the Gospel, and approximately 9,000 indicated decisions to receive Jesus as Savior.
Operation Jericho
has continued this year through numerous conferences in 65 cities of the 17
Francophone nations, winding down in December 2007.
Pray for favor with customs officials to
clear hundreds of sets of equipment and "JESUS" film prints to be
used for Operation Jericho.
Pray for an outpouring of God's spirit so that many will come to
Christ and Christians will be transformed.