Congo-Kinshasa (MNN) — A team of evangelists with Grace Ministries International have been busy over the last few months in the Democratic
Republic of Congo.
They've visited 16 villages to share the Gospel and train others
in evangelism. As a result,
200 church workers were mobilized this summer, and 847 people made professions of faith in Christ.
Once the team arrives in a village, they meet with the Grace
pastor and ask him to mobilize at least 10 believers who are then taught how to
share the Gospel by using several tracts written by Fred Vinton. The
evangelists and the church workers then visit every home and share the Gospel
with each person who accepts a tract.
The evangelistic teams plan to visit 100 villages during the
last three months of 2009. During the past several months a team of evangelists has
visited 16 villages to share the Gospel.
Pray for the believers who are being trained to share the
Gospel. Pray for receptive hearts. Praise the Lord that 100,000 tracts printed
in Nairobi this spring arrived in Bukavu in July.