India (MNN) — Eunuchs. Castrated males. There are about 1 million of them in India. Eunuchs are ignored by society. They form their own communities. Are people reaching them with the Gospel? Are they ignored by Christians, too?
A worker with Scriptures in Use (SIU) says yes, but not any more.
SIU is a ministry that uses storytelling as a way to share the Gospel. “We introduce storytelling to cultures that are non-literate, or what we call traditional oral learners. The best model is Jesus’ model: Jesus told stories. He told parables. He allowed the story of the parable to speak to the hearts of the individual listener.”
This SIU worker says outreach to eunuchs came about after one of their national workers began telling the SIU worker about a conversation he had with a eunuch on a train. That’s when he asked, “Why wouldn’t they be a likely candidate for storytelling? Certainly they would qualify for an unreached people group.”
As they began thinking about this, Isaiah 56:3-5 came to mind which specifically talks about giving the eunuchs, who keep God’s Sabbaths, a memorial and a name better than sons and daughters, an everlasting name.
This SIU worker says their India partner became what’s called a well-wisher to the eunuchs in a community in Orissa State. As the relationships were established, the storytelling began. It started with 14. The stories began with the Fall and continued through to the New Testament. “For three days we literally shared stories and then asked questions about the stories. At the end of the three days, we finally got to the Gospels. When it was done, all 14 of them accepted the Lord.”
This worker tells us it wasn’t a one-time thing. “We’re seeing some significant changes in them personally, and then this desire to begin, in some way, to share their faith with fellow eunuchs and their families.”
Scriptures in Use could use your support in this unique eunuch outreach. To do so, go to http://www.SIUtraining.org.
Praise The Lord. Iam Jaya Vani from Hyderabad. Iam graduate in Theological studies. When i complete my studies, God gave me a special vision about this people group. Iam working with them last five years. Many of them attend church regularly. Two eunuchs are baptized. But in this ministry i face many challenges, no encouragement . first time i visit your pages, i want your support and encouragement for this ministry (eunuchs)
thank you … In Him,
m a student of theology myself n intending to do a paper on this topic. wud be gr8 if u cud send me ur id for some guidance. thank you.