Mission India’s Lost in India series highlights
God’s work in the world’s largest democracy.
(Image captured from LostInIndia.org)
India (MNN) — Missions might not come to mind when you think of the next generation. But a virtual field trip could help kids make the Great Commission a higher priority.
Lindsay Ackerman says Grand Rapids, Michigan-based Mission India is equipping the next generation for Gospel work.
“Kids have an enormous impact on families…and God is really using children to carry His message of hope and salvation throughout the nation of India,” Ackerman states.
The group’s Lost in India video series resembles a virtual field trip. Chris, the series host, visits several locations in the world’s largest democracy and highlights God’s work in each area.
Learn more about Lost in India here.
Pocket change collected through “Lost in India” enables more of India’s children to attend a volunteer-led Children’s Bible Club.
“When kids come to a Bible Club and they meet Jesus and enter a relationship with Him, they go home and tell their families…and they are being little evangelists as well,” explains Ackerman.
Pray that more families will get involved in this virtual adventure. Pray that younger generations will gain a new passion for missions.
“When we think about raising up the next generation–both in India and in our own homes, we really want our kids to be compassionate, to think outside themselves, and to reach out to other people,” says Ackerman.
“[Lost in India is] a great opportunity, especially going into the new year, to try something new…. It’s a fun thing for a family to try together.”