India (MNI) — Nearly half of all women in India cannot read or write.
But Grand Rapids, Michigan- based Mission India is providing free Adult Literacy Classes.
Like many women, Gujari hasn’t known anything but poverty. She was born to poor parents who had a hard time just making enough money to feed their children. Gujari’s parents saw her as a burden.
Like her siblings, Gujari never stepped foot in a school as a child.
Her parents arranged her marriage to a poor laborer. Gujari dreamed of being freed from poverty someday, but her hopes faded as she gave birth to three children. (The oldest two are 6 and 3 years old, and the youngest is still a baby.)
Her husband worked extra hours doing whatever odd jobs he could find to support their family. They managed to survive, but sometimes the whole family had to go hungry. This deeply concerned Gujari.
One day, she heard about free literacy classes starting in her village. When she heard that these classes would help her gain skills to start her own business, she enrolled.
Gujari grew in reading, writing, and basic math skills. Her teachers also shared the Word of God with her.
During a special training at her classes, Gujari learned how to make various products, such as cleaning chemicals.
She is eagerly putting her new skills to the test by planning out her own business selling products at the market for a small profit.
For $30 you can give the gift of literacy to someone in India. Click here.
Pray for Gujari and other Indian women who take the classes to learn of God’s grace and gain new skills to help them survive.