USA (MNN) — Today, there are thousands of unreached people groups. According to JoshuaProject.org, these are peoples who don’t have a community of believing Christians with adequate people and resources to evangelize their own people.
These people groups are a priority for SEND International. SEND’s General Director Warren Janzen says they’ve established a new sub-ministry to help them. “We’re calling it MDE: Marketplace Development Enterprises.”
What’s the purpose? To send Christians into some of these areas to help communities by creating self-sustaining businesses, providing man-power, or creating development that actually helps a community physically.
Janzen says, “We want to have the holistic touch where we’re not just helping them live better and giving them clean water and giving them jobs, but also embedding in those trust relationships the Gospel of Jesus that can transform their lives and futures.”
How do they do that? “We’re working with a number of colleges in the States to provide internships for business students. We’re also actively recruiting people who are interested in taking their expertise–whether that’s to open and start a business, or whether that is to work for a business,” he adds.
The goal is simple. “People who are taking jobs (tentmakers), people who are creating jobs (business people), are going to be able to access some areas that are very difficult for the typical traditional missionary to access.”
This strategy does a few things, says Janzen. “We want to be the presence and bring the message of Jesus to those who have little or no opportunity to hear it.”
If you are an entrepreneur and believe you can help SEND International with your expertise, click here.
I would like to learn more.
Hi Brad,
Please feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] for further information about MDE.
I look forward to hearing from you soon.
Mary Cremean
Project Assistant
Marketplace and Development Enterprises (MDE) of SEND International
Very innovative. Would love to have more info