China (MNN) — Worldwide Christian Schools' field partner Emily Brink says
they are working with a field chapter school in east China. "There's great
need for education in China. The school
we're involved with is not a Christian school; it is a regular Chinese school,
following the Chinese curriculum."
The school is flourishing. This year, there are at least 2800 students and approximately 238
faculty and staff members. Among the 238 faculty and staff will be at least 18
American teachers and administrators. Each Knowledge Tree educator will be touching
lives of 168 students and Chinese faculty.
Called Knowledge Tree, Inc., school officials want an
education that enhances moral values, so they want Christian teachers. Because they are trying to launch a
bilingual program, Brink explains, "We are looking for teachers who are
not English teachers, first of all, but are people who would love to come and
help students in a variety of disciplines."
There are plans to build three Knowledge Tree Foreign
Language Schools from primary to high school within the next ten years in
China. Partnered with WCS, the team is
looking for experienced teachers and administrators to send to Binhai and train
hundreds of English teachers in the entire Yancheng region.
The building construction for the middle and high school
should be completed in 2008 or 2009. Then efforts will be focused on
establishing a primary school before 2014.
Brink says they need people who are willing to invest their
time to build the relationships that lead to ministry. "At the beginning, we're just enhancing
their curriculum by being able to meet with the students each week and teaching
them values and showing them the love of Christ in the way we interact with them as we help them learn English."