(MNN) — The past two weeks gave opportunity for outreach to over 65 teens and
adults who attended daily English classes taught by a team from the Association of Baptists for World Evangelism.
Some of the students revealed a searching heart through their
questions. The gospel was sared through chapel services and in personal
conversations. The church that sponsored the classes will follow up on those
who attended.
Since Mongolia's
government may not welcome missionaries, ABWE personnel seek to provide
services that will commend them to the government and community. Often it is
professional skills and services which provide people opportunities for
spiritual ministry.
Pray for four short-term teachers from Michigan as they hold English outreach
classes in two other churches over the next two weeks. In the fall, they will return to the U.S. leaving one sole
ABWE missionary in Mongolia.
Pray that God would lead other workers to this field.