(MNN) — World Gospel Mission's Dan Searls says every missionary faces
the problem of "How do I develop relationships?" in their field.
For their team in Hungary, one of the felt needs was
the English language. Often, knowing the
English language opens the door to better educational, employment, and social
opportunities, both in the local setting and abroad. Immigrants to
English-speaking countries learn English to become active members of their new
Searls details their response. "We hold home English
clubs throughout the school year where we try to develop relationships with our
students and develop a bit of spiritual hunger. Then camp is the time where we hopefully 'cash in' on all of our
investment throughout the semester, where we really evangelize quite freely and
Searls says they're recruiting short-term mission teams to
help with the English camps. Why? "Short-termers sometimes have the
opportunity to display boldness that those of us who are going to be staying in
the community can't always do. It gives us, as career missionaries, an
opportunity to come behind and do the follow-up work."
The nationals are often impacted by seeing the love of
Christ that compels a volunteer to give up vacation, pay for the trip, and
travel around the world to serve them.
Todd Eckhardt, director of WGM's World Connection
Department, says the short-term trips also play a critical role for WGM. "God uses these trips to call His church
to a broader ministry. Over 80 percent of our new missionaries since 2000 did a
short-term mission trip before being appointed." Click here if you want