Iran (MNN) — Iranian authorities clashed with opposition supporters Thursday as thousands rallied in Tehran to mark the 31st anniversary of the founding of the Islamic Republic. Arrests and tear gas marred the celebration.
Evangelist Sammy Tippit broadcasts television programming into Iran via satellite, and he says what's happening is ironic. "There was a revolution that took place that brought the people back to Islam and made this an Islamic republic. As a result of that, the people have now seen Islam for what it is, and they are rejecting that."
One Iranian leader says the most effective evangelist in Iran is the Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini. "When he came in, it exposed what real Islam is all about." Iranians have lived under the oppression he imposed and are rejecting it.
Tippit says Iranians are looking for freedom. "The greatest freedom in the world is in Christ, so that's why so many people are turning to Christ," says Tippit.
He adds, "Christians have had a wonderful opportunity during this time [to share the Gospel], but it's also been a very difficult time for them." He continues, "The government has used the Christians as kind of a 'whipping boy'. They say, 'Okay, we have to take this out on someone,' so they've really cracked down on Christians."
Tippit, who is considered an enemy of the state, says there is a huge need right now. The "many people coming to Christ [need training] to help build up the church during this time of great stress that's going on."
That training is done outside Iran. Tippit says, "We have our Web site that's in the Farsi language. And, we have our conference in what I call 'safe places' where we bring leaders from outside the country and inside the country to train them and help them to grow in Christ."
You can support Tippit's television broadcast and other Iranian ministry efforts by clicking here.