Iran (MNN) — It’s an important week for the world’s 1.8 billion Muslims. Whenever the new moon appears – either tonight or tomorrow night, depending on geographic location – it marks the end of Ramadan.
“The very last day of Ramadan is called Eid al Fitr, which people celebrate by breaking the fast,” Heart4Iran’s Mike Ansari says.
See our full Ramadan coverage here.
Usually, Muslims observe Eid al Fitr with massive public festivals. This year, like last, the celebrations are highly restricted due to COVID-19. Lockdowns or states of emergency in Muslim-majority countries like Iran and Egypt extend into next week.
Stay-at-home orders provide the perfect opportunity to encounter Christ.
“Please join us in praying on May 13 when we broadcast a live worship and prayer time,” Ansari requests.
“We are providing a live Farsi worship program into the country of Iran, Afghanistan, and Tajikistan to celebrate God’s goodness in the name of Jesus.” This year, the live Farsi prayer event is simultaneously broadcasted on Mohabat TV and Alhayat TV, targeting the Persian and Arab nations.
Heart4Iran is a network of Gospel workers striving to reach the Persian nation for Christ through media and broadcasting. Believers share the hope of Jesus boldly through satellite TV, social media, mobile technology, a counseling center, and underground church planting. More about Heart4Iran here.
“The Iranians who are reaching out to us [say they] have no Bibles, and there’s no way for them to understand Christianity. Please pray for doors to open up [so we can] send more Bibles,” Ansari says.
Send a Bible to Iran for only $7.
“The people of Iran are hungry for love, to have more hope in their lives, and they’re finding that through Jesus.”
Header image depicts a sunrise gathering in Saudi Arabia during Eid al Fitr 2018. (Photo courtesy of Abdullah Mukadam/Unsplash)