USA (MNN) — Ever feel like you want to know more about the history of missions or its role in your life? You are not alone.
At the 1973 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship Urbana student missions conference, 28% of those attending indicated that they were eager to commit their lives to missions —a 300% increase over those who had done so at the same conference just three years before.
Dr. Ralph Winter, then professor at the Fuller School of World Mission, realized that students would base their decisions to serve in missions on the information they had available. He therefore designed a course which would help fill the gaps which likely existed for these students. That course became "Perspectives on the World Christian Movement."
The Perspectives course has become a world movement, serving the missional vision of Christ's Body across denominational and organizational lines through its intensive missions training. There are over 200 Perspectives classes across the United States and many more around the world.
To date, over 100,000 people have taken the Perspectives course in North America, and over 30,000 have taken it in other countries. Tapping into this motivating course for personal and missional growth is multiplying local and global outreach for Christ.
If you have heard of Perspectives, you probably know it's a time-consuming course. Its rich content is certainly inviting, but it is a significant time commitment.
The Evangelical Free Church of America is partnering with Perspectives to create a week-long intensive course. April 9-17, 2012, ReachGlobal will host the Perspectives course at the EFCA national office in Minneapolis, Minnesota. The goal is to get church, mission, and business leaders to attend for the week to hear ten speakers and interact one-on-one with peers equally concerned about the missions world.
The EFCA hopes this unique opportunity will serve as a catalyst to broaden the involvement with the Perspectives movement while encouraging the share of information, strategies and cooperation among others.