USA (MNN) — As the economy goes into recession, non-profit organizations all over
the United States
are tightening their belts as they face decreases in charitable giving this
holiday season.
InterVarsity Christian Fellowship is reviewing budgets,
considering how it can use its resources more carefully and efficiently as it
plans events like Urbana
09, its triennial student missions conference.
The ministry is thankful for the
many donors who faithfully support its vision of seeing students and faculty
transformed, campuses renewed, and world changers developed. As one donor said, "The Kingdom of God does
not stop because of a bad economy."
InterVarsity has set a goal of planting 100 new chapters on
campuses over a period of five years. 42
chapters have been planted since 2006, and at least 40 more are planned for the next couple years.
During the 2007-2008 school year, InterVarsity operated 855
chapters on 556 campuses, serving more than 32,200 students. The chapters are making an impact on
campuses for the kingdom
of God.
The president of Mesa
Community College in San Diego was impressed by an AIDS awareness
exhibit that was co-sponsored by World Vision and the college's InterVarsity
"InterVarsity impacted our college
and moved it to acquire a heart," he said.
"InterVarsity's Impact One tent touched the campus, and it touched me. We
are not the same."
In November, InterVarsity's eight
chapters at Harvard
University worked
together to sponsor an on-campus lecture series by N.T. Wright, an Anglican
bishop. Bishop Wright challenged Harvard
students to change the world, biblically. Days later, a Chinese student who had attended the lectures became a
Christian at a chapter event.
The purpose of InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA is to
establish and advance at colleges and universities witnessing communities of
students and faculty who follow Jesus as Savior and Lord. You can help InterVarsity continue fulfilling
its purpose in tough economic times.