Greece (MNN) — We previously reported on the Moria refugee camp fire that left thousands homeless and living on the road in Lesbos, Greece. In an upcoming virtual mission trip, e3 Partners will be talking to Christian leaders helping the refugees during this difficult time.
People who go on this mission trip will talk to these Christians, pray for the refugees, and raise awareness about what is happening among the refugee populations.
Barnabas* a Christian leader working among the refugees, says, “There were around 8-9000 people who, for about a week, were stuck on the side of the road on this particular island. Praise God, what I’m hearing is there’s no need for food anymore. The government has all the food. The problem is getting the food to the people. They’re having long lines and three hour waits to get their food.”
The fire heightened another risk: COVID-19 outbreaks among refugees. With so many needing food, Barnabas says it’s difficult for them to stay socially distant.

Syrian refugees arriving on the Greek island of Lesvos.
(Photo, caption courtesy of OM)
The refugee church
But after the disaster, Barnabas saw something remarkable. “There’s a church that exists inside this camp. [The fire] kind of brought them together [and they] started working. Refugees were feeding refugees, with the assistance of some of these other brothers and sisters.”
e3 Partners’ virtual mission trips started this year in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and travel restrictions, but they hope to continue the program even when the pandemic dies down. These trips typically feature heavy training for sharing the Gospel with others, but this trip will focus more on the needs of the refugees on Lesbos Island.
If you want to participate in this trip, you can still sign up here. Due to its special focus, this trip will be shorter, taking place on two Saturdays, October 3rd and October 10th, from 2-3:30 PM Central Time.
Barnabas asks readers to pray for the Church that has sprung up among the refugees. “God has brought this body together. How do we step out of the way, not to just leave them, but to equip them and pass on this responsibility for them to reach their people and to help?”
*name changed for security reasons
The header image shows part of the coastline on Lesbos Island in Greece. (Image by Wi Pa from Pixabay)