Mexico (MNN) — e3 Partners has begun working in the city of Reynosa, near the Texas-Mexico border. Their ministry? Caring for refugees, listening to their stories, and sharing the hope of Jesus with them.
Claudia Adame talks about a church that was recently planted in the city of Reynosa. “It’s like the Holy Spirit of God has descended on that camp. It began in chaos and a lot of uncertainty. But from about 500 people that were there in May, we’re up to about 2000. They are now not only helping one another, but people in the city of Reynosa are coming to them and saying, ‘Do you know anybody who can help me with this?’”
Adame says this community constantly rotates as some refugees enter the country and others are sent back to their original locations.
New migrants continue to join the Reynosa church. Adame says, “We believe that this community is becoming a sending force of missionaries. A missionary is simply someone who shows the Gospel, and who teaches others to obey the Lord. And we’re seeing that happen.”
Adame says e3 Partners also want to be a blessing for migrants in this community who have experienced much trauma. “We go not as trained counselors, but really as people who can disciple others through God’s Word. We want to help them identify with people in the Bible who went through trauma.”
Get involved
Adame says God often uses large movements of people to spread the good news of Jesus. Pray this will be true of the migrants in Reynosa and all along the U.S. southern border.
Want to join an e3 Partner’s mission trip to the U.S. southern border or a different part of the world? Browse upcoming mission trips here.
Header photo shows the main plaza of Reynosa by Robox91, CC BY-SA 3.0, Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=31706056).