USA (MNN) — e3 Partners has launched a new Hispanic website. It’s more than just a linguistic adaptation. The program reaches out culturally to Hispanic Christians and churches in the United States and beyond.
Claudia Adame, the Executive Vice President of Hispanic Global Mobalization at e3, says, “Our founder, Mike Downey did his first mission trip into Mexico City. That’s how the whole vision of church planting started. So we have, from the beginning, the roots of Hispanic ministry.”
“In the early spring, we just really started looking at the incredible potential here in the US to serve Hispanic churches.”
Hispanics make up 18.9 percent of the U.S. population. Adame says her team has focused on the e3 Partners Made to Multiply initiative. “What we do in these Gospel Conversation Trainings, as we call it, is to help believers know that they can learn how to share the Gospel. They can then share the Gospel with people in their family, in their community, and in their work relationships.”
On October 21-22, e3 Partners helped sponsor a conference called Exponential Español. About 500 churches visited this event. Adame says, “It is a group of churches that are focused on multiplying the church here in the US and globally. So we were able to let people know that e3 Partners Español is now up and running. And we are available to come alongside churches and help train believers on how to share the Gospel.”
Pray this program will reach people around the U.S. and the world with God’s love.
You can visit the site here. See the Made to Multiply website in Spanish here.
The header photo shows a gathering during e3 Partners partners ministry near the border between the U.S. and Mexico. (Photo courtesy of e3 Partners)