Uganda (MNN) — East Africa has been dealing with severe drought for the last three years, further crippling the already hurt Karimojong people.

(Photo Courtesy ECM via Facebook)
In Uganda, the Karimojong people already struggle with farming. The people just don’t have sufficient amounts of food. But with the threat of famine from the past few years’ drought, something needed to change.
That’s why Every Child Ministries is adding an edition to the Karamoja Homeland Project called, “Farming God’s Way.”
Lorella Rouster with ECM explains, “This program called ‘Farming God’s Way’ takes the best advantage of what rain is available there by preserving whatever moisture there is in the soil.”
ECM will be developing a demonstration garden in the area for families and others to see how they can better farm their lands and produce quality crops. ECM will also be teaching God’s ownership over the soil and how the Karimojong people have been called to steward it.
“And this is a thoroughly Bible-based program. It teaches God’s ownership of the soil and our responsibilities as a steward. So praying over the gardens, for instance, is a very important part of the program. And this program leads into natural opportunities to share the Gospel with the people.”
In a sense, ECM workers are sharing the Gospel through person evangelism. But, ECM will also be showing the JESUS Film to those it serves during this time. And by coming in and helping the Karimojong people meet their physical needs, as well as their spiritual needs, ECM is truly acting in the love of Christ by caring for the whole person.

(Photo Courtesy ECM) ECM Karamoja map.
In fact, the Karamoja Homeland Project aims to bring the Gospel to the Karimojong people and bring practical help. A part of doing this is discovering how the Karimojong people can live self-sustaining lives and provide better futures for the kids to reduce the number of children who are trafficked out of the area.
Now, as ECM helps teach the people how to Biblically steward the land, ECM is getting one step closer to its goal. And, you can help in a couple of ways.
For one, would you consider sponsoring a Karimojong child? For less than the cost of a daily cup of coffee, you could help give a kid an education, hope for the future, and a sincere introduction to the Gospel. Another way to help is by donating to the Karamoja Homeland Project to sustain ECM’s efforts in the area.
But, regardless of donating or sponsoring a child, will you pray? Pray for God’s hand in the Karimojong peoples’ lives. Pray for God to provide the funds and continue His work through ECM in Karamoja. And finally, pray for the people to grab hold of ‘Farming God’s Way,’ both in the sense of the Gospel and the ability to grow their own foods.
To donate to the Karamoja Homeland Project, click here!
Want to sponsor a child? Find out more here!
Prayer – God, you are the provider of everything in this world. Provide the people of Karimojong with funds and continue your work through ECM in Karamoja. I pray that you guide the people to hold the Gospel and have an ability to grow their own foods in the name of Jesus…. amen