Greece (MNN) — Yesterday morning, a 90-year-old woman and her 60-year-old son jumped off of a five-story building together in Athens, Greece, says Athens News.
The mother-son pair chose to kill themselves in light of the economic crisis at hand. The son, Anthonis Perris, was a musician and had been out of work for two years. He and his mom were living off of her small pension as Perris tried to care for his mother's disintegrating mental health. They no longer had money even for food.
The Digital Journal notes that this double suicide adds to a long list of rising self-inflicted deaths in Greece since the crisis hit. In April, The New York Times reported that the "suicide rate among men increased more than 24% from 2007 to 2009" as a result of the economic crisis in Greece. CNN also reported that suicide help-line Klimaka receives up to 100 calls a day.
Growing pessimism is gripping Greece. Many reports suggest that the nation will leave the Eurozone completely by Greece's next June 17 vote.
People are desperate for hope.
That's why
Operation Mobilization is working tirelessly to provide physical nourishment for the nation to provide hope where it's desperately needed, as well as to share the hope of life in Christ.
New OM country leader Gabby Markus reports that the overall desperation in the nation has to do with the large numbers of the middle class and poor suffering at extreme levels.
"Many are forced to leave their homes because they cannot afford the rent. Salaries have been decreased to the minimum 400 Euros per month, while the cost of goods and services remains high or is rising. Athens News reports increases in break-ins and robberies of homes, shops, and banks. The numbers of people begging on the streets have increased. Thousands of Greeks are leaving the country in search of greener pastures," says Markus.
In response, OM Greece is partnering with an Athens church to feed the homeless and immigrants. The program began with 20 people and now has 120. They're now raising funds to build a kitchen to make hot meals for those they serve.
The program not only has provided hope through the physical provision of food, but it's opened opportunities for OM staff to share their faith in the true Provider. Pray for wisdom as this group attends to serious emotional, spiritual, and physical needs; pray that people would turn to Christ in this time of crisis.
Learn more about OM Greece here.