(MNN) — Orphan Outreach and Mission Network News need at least three more
doctors to join them on a missions trip to Panabaj, Guatemala
in October.
Several nurses have already signed up, but the team needs
doctors as well as a few other people. The
team will leave for Guatemala City on October 10
and return to Grand Rapids,
Michigan on October 17.
A mudslide caused by Hurricane Stan devastated the community
of Panabaj on October 4, 2005, killing more than 1,000 people. The people live in temporary housing outside
the town while they wait for it to be rebuilt.
The team will bring medical relief and humanitarian aid to
the community. Many of the people suffer
from tuberculosis, upper respiratory issues, skin issues, and nutritional
issues, said Greg Yoder of Mission Network News. The team may also provide vaccinations.
Yoder said the trip is an exciting opportunity for medical
professionals to serve the Lord in missions. "This would be the perfect time for a doctor to use his or her God-given
skills for Christ, helping the Guatemalan people physically and spiritually,"
he said.
The trip will also incorporate visits to Christian schools
in the area, activities to entertain the children while their parents are
seeing the doctor, and possibly a showing of the "JESUS" film.
has some of the worst malnutrition, life expectancy, and infant mortality rates
in its region of the world. 27 percent
of all Guatemalan children under 5 years old are underweight.
If you are interested in spiritual and medical ministry to
the people of Panabaj, click here. The application deadline is May 29.