Unloading Bibles and books
at CRI’s distribution center in Nigeria.
(Photo by CRI)
Kenya (MNN) — Do you think somebody right out of college could impact a whole nation with the Gospel? They don’t have enough experience yet, right? They have too much to learn to make that kind of an impact.
That’s not the case in this story.
Jason Woolford with Christian Resources International says a recent graduate is gearing up to establish a distribution center in his home country. “There’s a young man who’s from Kenya, and he just graduated from Moody [Bible Institute]. He’s been wanting to go back to his country to train up pastors because there are pastors who don’t even have Bibles; can you imagine?
Woolford says CRI is “planning and developing a distribution center near Nairobi, Kenya, where, ongoing, we’ll be able to send God’s Word for free…. People will be able to come and get those resources for evangelism, and there will be pastors being trained up and making a difference.”
CRI takes gently-used Bibles and Christian books and ships them to those who request them. Many families in the West have 7-9 Bibles sitting on their bookshelves just collecting dust. You can send your unused Bibles and Christian books to CRI in Fowlerville, Michigan. Once they arrive, they’re packaged in boxes and sent to countries all around the world.
While you may not want to part with your Bibles or Christian books, you can be a part of the distribution. Once the Bibles and Christian books arrive at CRI, they have to be shipped overseas. It costs $10,000 to ship a whole container of books. Broken down even further, $20 sends 20 books.
Why is this important? Woolford says the young Kenyan told him that in Africa, “The knowledge of God is miles long, but only a half-inch deep.’ So he said, ‘I want to be able to go back and get God’s Word to people.'”
Click here to find how to get your Bibles and books to CRI, or to make a generous donation to help with shipping costs.