International (MNN) — In December, Sammy Tippit Ministries (STM) held a virtual evangelistic and discipleship event. The broadcast reached at least one million people in dozens of different countries around the world. STM designed the event to train Christians to share their faith with others and disciple them in the way of Jesus. Read more here.
MNN reported that this program ran into some resistance, as Facebook prevented the ministry from promoting the videos to a larger audience. Tippit believes the message of the Incarnation being preached in the videos may have angered some people. Despite this setback, the videos enjoyed a wide reach.
Sammy Tippit says they saw an especially great response in Albania, where the program was broadcasted on television and radio stations. “Our partners were able to collect a lot of feedback. [They told of] many people sharing Christ and inviting their friends over. A lot of Albanian churches were not able to have a Christmas service. And we were able to provide that.”
Tippit says the program also enjoyed wide viewership in countries like Pakistan and India. “I know in India we had about 300,000 people who viewed. In Pakistan, we had hundreds of thousands watch as well.”
Digital ministry
STM has cultivated digital connection for Christians around the world, often in the form of small groups on WhatsApp and other apps. These groups provide discipleship and fellowship for isolated Christians. Tippit says, “Our whole philosophy is to train Christians to do the work of evangelism. And then we provide evangelistic events. I think what social media has shown us is that there is a great hunger out there for what we’re offering.”
Praise God for the response of believers all over the world to this event. And pray for the continuing translation work needed to reach them. Tippit says the ministry works with 13 different languages, and they hope to add more soon.
During the COVID-19 pandemic, many churches have turned to digital technology for ministry and connection. Pray the work of Sammy Tippit Ministries will greatly benefit the Kingdom.
Header photo by Dzenina Lukac from Pexels.