USA (MNN) — Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) began in 1972 as a small tape-lending library that allowed members to share Christian material on cassettes. Now, the Bible is available in many languages in digital form–something people only dreamed about in the early days.
Bill Lohr with FCBH says the Bible should be available to everyone. "And it should be available in the freest form possible to everyone." That that's what Faith Comes By Hearing is all about.
According to FCBH, the Digital Bible Platform–the world's largest platform of digital Bible audio, text, and video–is now open free of charge to ministry partners and approved developers wanting to join FCBH in its worldwide evangelistic efforts.
Lohr says the access is provided through a Web API (Application Programming Interface), which allows integration of the content from the Digital Bible Platform into apps, Web sites, and other software.
A very simple format for developers to work with and implement, the API system is already used by Faith Comes By Hearing for online listening in its iTunes store, and within its entire family of Bible.is apps.
Lohr says FCBH wants Christian app developers from all over the world to use all of their 700 languages. "They can develop their app, and then they can come in and use the audio that we provide to enhance their app. We want people from all over the world to be able to partner with us, just to give broader access to God's Word."
Already a cornerstone value in its work, FCBH said the group realizes that partnerships are the only way to truly reach the world with the Gospel.
In this newest instance, FCBH is providing access to the content (recorded Scripture in over 700 languages) and giving others the opportunity to find creative and inventive ways to reach people worldwide in their own language.
"In the time of Christ and the Apostles, the Gospel message went from town to town by using the road system built by the Roman Empire," says Troy Carl, FCBH vice president and architect of the Digital Bible Platform. "Today, that Roman Road is technology."
Carl adds, "The primary key to Scripture advancement in today's world is making technology and content available to the most creative minds in the world. Our hope is that the best and brightest developers from around the globe will use this access to provide God's Word in a way that is culturally significant and relevant to their communities."
The API is a software means of utilizing the suite of functionality provided by the Digital Bible Toolkit. Developers can apply for access by registering online and agreeing to the terms and conditions of use, which includes providing all content free of charge to the end user.
Your prayers are needed, says Lohr. "Pray for partners to come alongside of us–the right ones to be there. Pray that everybody will have the heart to make God's Word available for free [so that] people will have access to it wherever they are on this planet."