USA (MNN/FCBH) — There are millions of people who have yet to hear or read one word of Scripture in their own language. That’s changing as Faith Comes By Hearing (FCBH) is making in-roads into those languages.
FCBH recently added four languages to their expanding catalog of recorded Scripture. Now at 817 languages, these recordings as a whole represent a potential outreach to more than 5.7 billion people in 190 countries, which equates to over 80% of the world’s population.
The new releases are:
- Azha – China
- Toma – Guinea
- Warao – Venezuela
- Yawa – Indonesia
The ministry is also excited to announce that another Swedish New Testament recording has been added this month. Of the new languages released, Toma is the largest people group with more than 144,000 speakers primarily in Guinea, while the smallest is Yawa, spoken by about 6,000 people in Indonesia. Combined, these four newest releases represent over 230,000 people who now have God’s Word in audio available in their heart language.
Faith Comes By Hearing remains committed to the mission of making God’s Word freely available to everyone and is encouraged that supporters continue to help make this possible. The ministry is also grateful to their translating partners, whose work makes these recordings possible. For this month’s releases, they are: Bibles International, Pioneer Bible Translators and Wycliffe Bible Translators.
“Whether it be our talented and dedicated staff, our generous donors, or ministry partners from all over the world, we have one purpose: to get God’s Word to every person,” states Jerry Jackson, FCBH founder and president.
Jackson has seen the growth of a small tape lending library established in 1972 to what is now the world’s largest resource of digital Scripture content. Collectively known as the Digital Bible Platform, Faith Comes By Hearing offers free access to this digital collection of Scripture via downloads, podcasts, Internet radio, and satellite TV, while the Bible.is andDeaf Bible apps for mobile devices offer access to God’s Word right from the palm of your hand.
Approved developers and ministries can also have free access to the content on the Digital Bible Platform to incorporate into their apps, software and websites.
For those areas that do not yet have regular access to the Internet or mobile devices, Faith Comes By Hearing continues to reach out by providing Audio Bibles on solar-powered Proclaimers for listening groups. More than 360,000 Proclaimers are literally proclaiming the Gospel around the world.
The ministry’s goal is to record and provide access to the Word of God in every translated language, making the fulfillment of the Great Commission a reality in this generation.
Dear Wycliff Team,
I am deeply encouraged of what you do in order to spread the word of God.
I would like to know where to get such a Audio Bible Player for some friends in my church who can not read because of luck of education in their lifes.
I am searching for the Kalenjin translation in Kenya.
Please, if you can help me, I would apprechiate.
Mungu akubariki