Undated (MNN) — Norm Nelson of Compassion Radio is traveling through the Islamic republic for several weeks in July.
Less than one half-percent of people are Christians in this region, and even those are closely monitored by the government. Witnessing to Muslims is banned as well.
This is Nelson's fifth trip to the country. "We travel as those who are Ambassadors for Hope," said Nelson. Despite the persecution there, he says the most important story for Christians is the growth of the church there. "I think there is evidence of the power of Christianity at its highest level in these parts of the world. And when Westerners have the opportunity, or take the opportunity, to travel to places like that, they get a sense of the power of the Gospel that they simply do not get in the western world."
Nelson may get the opportunity to meet Christians during his stay. The current situation for Christians in the Islamic republic is similar to the early church. "Christians are regarded as a destabilizing influence," said Nelson. "That doesn't mean that tremendous things are not happening."
The growth of the church is currently greater outside the western world than inside the western world. This is even true in the Islamic republic though witnessing to Muslims is banned.
Christians from the west can get a new perspective on the church by traveling to places where Christianity is under attack. "When we show up in countries where being a Christian is very difficult, where persecution is going on, the saints are encouraged. They realize that they are not forgotten, and that they have spiritual brothers and sisters in other parts of the world that know that they exist, that stand with them in a supportive way, and are praying with them," said Nelson. He stresses that even if we cannot visit them, we can pray for those who pay the price for their faith.
I have just begun to hear Compassion Radio on 940 AM. I wanted to send a tiny gift for Bibles. I went online to be sure of the address. I called this morning and talked to Lena, then found I already knew more about the organization. I believe Dr. Norm Nelson and his father were the ones we used to hear when we lived in NC, with its cheerful program song, “It is morning in my heart!” Also, I think I heard that Dr. Bob Pierce was at some time a part of the organization? We met him somewhere along the way in our and his travels. He was in the hospital. We were asked to visit him, and he opened his heart to us. He saw the world in need, as we did, but that was so long ago my memory of the whereabouts has faded.
My husband (dec., 2013) and I worked as TEAM, Wheaton, IL, missionaries in Pakistan, Iran and the UAE from Jan.1950-October, 1986, and then in the USA until retirement in 1989. I am still very active for an 88 yr. old lady, teaching SS, visiting the elderly and doing some writing. I want you to know the message I read in the above 2007 report, to which I am replying, is as relevant and truthful today as it was in 2007, maybe more so. It is so wonderful to hear of how the work has grown and how God is using it. I am full of praise and sending my check out tomorrow. Today is too stormy to go out. mvt