Guatemala (MNN) — Orphan Sunday is just six Sundays away, which means the Orphan's Heart and Florida Baptist Children's Home 40 Days for the Fatherless campaign is starting up this Monday, September 26.
The campaign is aimed at raising awareness for the plight of the 140 million orphans across the globe. Orphan's Heart hopes that their 40 Days campaign will encourage churches to get more involved with caring for the fatherless as Christ commanded.
"We're not all called to adopt a child or to be foster parents, but we can all do something to help lift up these special children," notes Brian Gilpin with Orphan's Heart.
This year, the two ministries are providing a way for believers to help these children which is as simple as a drive to the store–or the click of a mouse.
Orphan's Heart needs diapers. During these next 40 days leading up to Orphan Sunday, they're hosting drives all across Florida — which could potentially be across the world with your involvement — to collect diapers.
"This diaper drive will benefit our foster parents in Florida, as well as our international childcare ministry in Guatemala," explains Gilpin. "Our goal is to collect at least 30,000 diapers, which is the number of diapers required to fulfill our domestic and international childcare needs for one month."
Orphan's Heart is hoping to defray a significant cost for these parents, especially for the Malnutrition Center is Guatemala. They are so passionate about the cause that they're even offering a special incentive to get involved.
"By participating in the diaper drive, people have an opportunity to win a free mission trip with Orphan's Heart to the malnutrition center in Guatemala," says Gilpin.
So here's how you get involved (especially if you live in Florida within reasonable distance of the Florida Baptist Children's Homes): host a drive at your church. Tell your believing community about the orphan problem around the world and get them involved with sharing Christ's love to these kids by providing a practical need through a ministry passionate about spreading the Gospel in this way.
If you don't live in Florida, you can still host a drive if your church is willing to raise money for shipping costs as well. Learn more about hosting a diaper drive.
The easiest of all options involves clicking a computer mouse. Just visit orphansheart.org and give online for diapers.
As you host a drive or give online, you'll have the chance to enter to win a trip and be the hands and feet of Christ in Guatemala. As you give, pray for the orphans who will benefit from this simple but meaningful gift.