Zimbabwe (MNN) — As problems persist in the African country of Zimbabwe, the church is growing. That’s the word from Greg Yoder with Christian World Outreach (not MNN’s Greg Yoder). He says God is using CWO to help train leaders, who are reaching out in evangelism and other ministry.
Yoder says the situation in Zimbabwe is horrendous. “The inflation rate is nearly 1,000-percent. With that it’s hard for people to buy anything they need. Unemployment is around 80-percent. There (are) food shortages and fuel is always hard to get.”
CWO is currently hosting leadership development seminars and orphan outreach in the nation. These problems have hurt their ministry, says Yoder. “We have to cancel seminars or some of the camps for the orphans because we don’t have the fuel to get where they are. When we can get fuel, they go when they can.”
While the situation looks desperate, Yoder says their seminars are helping the local church. “Because of the seminars that have been coming into some of the towns and villages the pastors are working together now. These have brought unity into the towns so that the different denominations are working together to share the Gospel.”
According to Yoder, it’s times like these that make sharing the Gospel easier than others. “When there’s a difficult situation people realize the things of this earth don’t satisfy all the needs that you have. That seems to be what happens when there are difficulties around and so people are looking for answers.”
Christian World Outreach needs your support to help fund the seminars and orphan outreach. Go to our website to get connected.